Blog Archive

Monday, 3 February 2014

From Company Director to Student in one move!

Wow - life has a habit of throwing stuff at you and that kind-of explains why it is almost four years since my last post.

So what has the Spinning Witch been doing then? Being made redundant and generally surviving like so many other people have had to do.

Long story short.....we were forced in the end to close down the company - too many reasons to go into here but to say that the bank wasn't entirely helpful would be an understatement.

As a result, we and our staff were suddenly redundant, with the added bonus that the Job Centre staff didn't hold out any hope for me or Kevin when it came to employment. Too old, too independent, too well-qualified.............and that was just me - Kevin is eight years older than I am and apparently totally over the hill   *sigh*!

I applied for everything and anything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) - and didn't get a single interview. Not one.

That was when I decided to 're-train'.........and take an Open University degree in English Literature.
The intention is to get my degree and then offer private tutoring for GCSE and A Level English students.

Oh, and move to Devon.

Kevin has effectively retired now, although if we get the house that we are hoping for, we both could be busier than ever.

We have decluttered, decorated and put our house on the market. My loom and my two spinning wheels, along with fleece, fibre, yarn and endless boxes of books, have all been moved to a storage unit, so the Spinning Witch will have to wait until we move.

In the meantime, I will blog about the move, my studies, the cats and anything else that comes to mind, partly because my next degree module is to be Creative Writing!

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