Blog Archive

Monday, 20 September 2010

Long time, no update.........

Basically because we've been dealing with a lot of cr*p at work, I have neither spun nor woven anything for over a week. Just haven't had the heart to create.

That's all changed now.

On Sunday, we took the car, went down to Bracklesham Bay and walked along the shoreline. It was wickedly windy, but we were well-wrapped against the cold.

I love the sea, in all seasons and in all weathers; I think it steals into my soul a little - the wildness and unpredictability of it. Kevin and I are like the pebbles on the beach - we are tossed and turned by the waves, but that only serves to polish us, burnish us and we are still here, albeit ground down a little more.

After Bracklesham, we drove to Uppark and spent the rest of the afternoon there. Unlike our fire, the National Trust's insurers obviously didn't argue about the pay-out and it took just six years to get the place open again in something like its past glory. Everywhere you look though, there are reminders of how devastating the fire was and how much could have been lost, had the fire brigade, family, volunteers and many other willing hands not set about rescuing irreplaceable treasures.
And despite inevitable loss, there was great gain - the lost art of lime plaster moulding was revived by necessity, in order to repair and replace the beautiful ceilings.

We left Uppark feeling strangely positive; what happens to us in the future may not be what we had planned, our direction may have to change, but we are still here.

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