Blog Archive

Monday 3 February 2014

Keeping motivated.....

I have been studying consistently but what with getting the house ready to sell, the possibility that Kevin will be out of action soon (he has to have an operation on his knee that will put him on crutches for a bit), trying to find and view properties (if The One falls through),  I was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, I have developed RA and OA and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands and can't hold a pen to write for more than a few minutes without my hand cramping up, so the Open University allows me to take my exams at home on the computer, with an invigilator sitting next to me. The thought of doing this, surrounded by moving boxes, either here or at the new house, was too awful to contemplate.

With all of these factors in mind, I decided to defer my current module (A230, Reading and Studying Literature) until October 2014 and pick it up again then, alongside the Creative Writing module. I had the idea that I might be able to continue to work on the module, without the stress of submitting assignments or revising for the exam in June, thus giving me a head start in October as I will then be studying almost full time on two quite different modules.

I enjoy my studies immensely - so why is it that I can't seem to settle to study? I need to go back over the Romantic Poets and then read and work on 'Wuthering Heights', but today I sat staring at the module book, quite unable to start.

Perhaps I just need a break; I have to register for both modules in April and maybe that will be the motivator but part of me doesn't really want to leave it that long - there is a lot to read and take in on A230, even though I have banked the (less-than-impressive) marks for the first two assignments that I had submitted.

It doesn't help that my study area is filled with sewing and spinning stuff - reminders of what I could be doing.

The answer is for me to take my books and study elsewhere - somewhere without distractions.

But it can't be somewhere without the Library is out!

Looks like the dining room may be my next port of call!

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