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Sunday, 6 August 2017

And the results are out...

Actually, they were out on 19th July but I've been a bit tied up - ridding the cottage of a moth invasion, for one thing and digging the garden for another but...

I have received the results of my final module and my overall Degree Classification and I will be graduating at the Riviera International Centre, Torquay on October 13th with a First Class Honours degree in English Literature. My gown has been ordered and Kevin's guest ticket booked and paid for and I shopped my wardrobe and found a dress that I can finally fit into (black stretch velvet - suitably sub fusc) - yay!

It has taken me a while to get my head around the fact that I have a 1st, and also that I have finished my degree and I'm feeling slightly bereft...I would give a great deal to be starting my MA with The Open University in October but I simply can't afford it - even the OU's own loan scheme would cost me over £400 a month and I'm too old (by one year 😢 ) to qualify for a Post Graduate loan. I have the book list saved to my Amazon Wish List - maybe I could just read them anyway. Mind you, if I get the tutoring work that I'm hoping for, I'll be reading a lot of A Level texts, which will keep me busy!

The moth invasion has been a total pain - they have munched the carpet under the sofa and even had a go at my poor teddy bears, so Kevin and I scoured the internet for a product that would kill moths, eggs and larvae, without killing us or the cats. The stuff that we bought seems to work but you seriously don't want to breathe it in! When we treat our bedroom, it'll have to be done early in the morning and we'll need to leave the windows wide open to air the room - we aren't too happy about using it under the bed and are still looking for a 'kinder' product to use.

As for the garden, we have planned out the first of the raised beds, priced up the dividing fence (we're going for a picket fence which should look really pretty), the beds and the soil to fill them and today I dug out countless Spanish Bluebell bulbs from the bed where we will be installing the shed (when we move it - which is not quite yet). The weather has been pretty wet - a day without rain has been the exception rather than the norm this month, but at least it means that the weeds come up fairly easily! Tomorrow we'll trot over to Highhampton to look at (and get a firm quote for) the picket fence and maybe get hold of some weed control fabric so all my hard work today won't be for nothing 😄

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