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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Aching knee and very sore tooth.

Kevin had his operation on Monday - arthroscopy and both medial and lateral meniscectomy in the right knee. In at 0800 hrs and back home by 1245hrs, feeling woozy and nauseous. Poor lad, he had a bad night (typical reaction to a general anaesthetic) and so did I.

He is using ice packs four times a day to reduce the swelling and of course, can't drive until the knee is stable but he can (and indeed, must) put weight on it and do the recommended physiotherapy exercises as soon as he is able. The sobering thing is that even though they have operated, the meniscectomies are likely to lead to further joint deterioration and ultimately a replacement knee joint as arthritis sets in.

It's a bugger, getting older! Mind you, the alternative ain't so hot either.

My problem is painful but easily- if expensively - sorted. I have a Cerec attached to my top premolar - well, actually, I don't because the damned thing pinged off when I was using those dinky little TePe brushes as instructed by the dental hygienist! This will be the third time that it has to be put back and the second in under a year - so much for it staying in place for three years!

It was done when I was in full time employment and could afford a comprehensive dental plan; I can no longer afford the full plan and am even having to scrimp to save enough to get a filling done (no NHS dentists around here, sadly) which is going to cost the best part of £125.00. The tooth with the Cerec is on the top left of my mouth but the tooth that needs filling - because it is worn and there is an irritating gap where food gets painfully trapped - is on the bottom right. As a consequence, chewing on either side is currently difficult and painful.

The filling is one thing - but I think the Cerec should be put back FOC - it is supposed to stay put for three years and I don't chew bones, break nuts with my teeth or even eat toffees any more, so it isn't anything that \I have done, except to follow my prescribed oral hygiene routine.

Getting back to Kevin's knee, we changed the dressings today and so far the operation sites look very neat - he should have very little scarring. He goes in two weeks to have the practice nurse check the sutures but apart from that, he is left to his own devices as far as physio is concerned.

And my errant Cerec will be glued back in place at mid-day today, so I can at least eat on one side without pain!

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