Well, the end of me being a 'mature student' anyway. My final assignment (3000 words on ideals of masculinity from Shakespeare to Austen) went in at the end of May and I've been recovering ever since 😂!
The results are meant to be out by mid-July but every year so far, they've been out just before my birthday, so I'm thinking 6th/7th July. Am I doing a countdown? You betcha!
I can't quite believe that I'm finished - that there won't be a box from the Open University in September with a new set of module books, that I won't have any more tutorials (live or online) to attend, no more Tutor Marked Assignments to agonise over, no more heart-stopping moments when the email flashes up to tell me that my marked assignment is ready for collection. Oh, to win the Lottery and be able to afford to do a Masters in English Literature. Or Children's Literature.
Still, I have my Graduation Ceremony to look forward to - we have squirreled away the money
for months and now have enough for my gown hire, Kevin's ticket, the official photos and a nice celebration dinner.
Now I need to get some work - there must be someone out there who would LOVE to pay me for tutoring their GCSE or A Level offspring!
In the meantime, I have a whole garden to reclaim from weeds/Spanish Bluebells (so many Spanish Bluebells) and a vegetable plot to plan out. I have a conservatory full of fabric and wool to turn into something lovely (quite what I have not yet decided) and there are books - oh so many books - that I have put to one side because there were set texts that had to be read instead.
Then there is my involvement with our Village Hall which I have been unable to fully commit to until now, not to mention helping to plan the Christmas Concert and maybe doing some singing with a friend at local Care Homes.
Oh, and the five bar gates need refinishing, the guttering needs painting, the kitchen/dining room, bathroom, main bedroom and the stairs and landing all need redecorating.
Somehow I don't think I'll be bored 😄